شركة لمسات الجزيرة – التصميم الداخلي والديكور

ارتفاع ومكان الافياش electrical outlets

Electrical Outlets – The appropriate height and location

Best Heights and Locations for Electrical Outlets in the Home

The height and location of electrical outlets are fundamental elements in the interior design of any home. They play a crucial role in ensuring efficiency and comfort for the residents. Drawing from Lamasat Al Jazeera’s 33 years of experience in interior design, we present the best locations and appropriate heights for electrical outlets in various rooms of the house.

Lighting electrical outlets

Position lighting outlets at a height ranging from 120 to 140 cm from the floor. It is preferable to place them near the entrance of the room for easy control when entering and exiting. Additionally, light switches can be placed at the bedside in bedrooms for easy access during the night.

TV Outlets

The location of the TV is a primary factor in determining where to place electrical outlets. It is recommended to install outlets at a height of 100 to 120 cm from the floor, preferably directly behind the TV to avoid cable clutter and enhance organization.

Bedroom electrical outlets

In bedrooms, easy access to outlets while lying in bed is essential. Therefore, it is recommended to place outlets at a height of 60 to 70 cm beside the bed. This height allows for convenient use of chargers and bedside lamps.

Kitchen Outlets

The kitchen contains many electrical appliances, so outlets should be strategically distributed. It is preferable to install them at a height of 110 cm above countertops to avoid interference with large appliances such as refrigerators and ovens. Outlets should be positioned within easy reach for using blenders or toasters.

Bathroom electrical outlets

Due to the high humidity in bathrooms, caution is necessary when placing electrical outlets. It is recommended to install them at a height of 140 cm away from water sources such as sinks and showers. Additionally, waterproof outlets should be used to ensure safety.

The ideal height and location of outlets significantly contribute to providing comfort and safety for home residents. Following these recommendations from Lamasat Al Jazeera will help you achieve a practical and efficient interior design. Always remember that quality and precision in interior design ensure a comfortable and safe home environment.

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